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Denver Facial Aesthetics Blog

Rejuvenation Starts with Great Skincare

11/17/23 | 2 MIN READ

There is nothing “routine” about following a regular skincare regimen. Everybody benefits. That includes men as well as women. All ages, too – we talk a lot about treatments that offer rejuvenation, but getting smart about skincare when you’re young is the best way to prevent or delay skin damage and signs of aging. It may seem tedious, but it doesn’t take much time, and it is an investment in your now and future appearance.

Create a Consistent Daily Routine


Regular skincare cleanses away product residue, perspiration, environmental dirt, and other debris so they don’t accumulate on the skin’s surface or clog your pores. It also replenishes essential moisture lost to sun exposure, dry air, wind, or even the aging process. Doing these things daily helps your skin retain the healthy glow of youth.


At-home exfoliation is important, too, because it provides a deeper cleaning than daily cleansers. Don’t do this more than once or twice a week, though, as that will irritate your skin instead of refining it.


Never step into the sunlight without sunscreen!

What products should you use?

Retail stores are replete with a mind-boggling array of skincare products. But it’s hard to know what to get or exactly what you are getting. Medical-grade skincare products can be more effective because they typically contain higher concentrations of the essential ingredients. (This is why you need a prescription from a licensed physician.)

Even so, it can still be tough to know which products to choose. Consulting with a professional can help you develop a skincare routine that fits your lifestyle and learn about the most appropriate products for your skin. Here at RFA we offer carefully selected medical-grade skincare lines, including our own Raval Rx developed by Dr. Jeff Raval.

First, we’ll evaluate your skin. It’s easy to see what’s going on with your skin on the surface, but the skin is multiple layers deep, and often, the problems you see (and ones you don’t) are caused by something that’s going on below the surface. Visia Complexion Analysis uses specialized technology to help you – and our aestheticians – get the “inside scoop” to create a more tailored and comprehensive treatment plan.

Are you pregnant? Let us know because that can change your skin. We’ll help you modify your routine or the products you use so you can stay safe and looking your best.

Occasional Routine Boosters

Treating your skin with care and kindness at home sets you on a path to continued healthy skin. But you can do more. For example:

  • Botox treatments can help minimize and even prevent fine lines and wrinkles that show up when we make facial expressions over time.
  • Dermal fillers can help smooth wrinkles by adding volume underneath them, and fillers can add or replace volume in the cheeks, lips, and other areas of the face to restore smoother profile and contours.
  • Laser treatment can rejuvenate and...

While not exactly a skin treatment, laser hair removal can redefine “smoother” because it eliminates stubble and razor burn, not to mention all the hassle associated with shaving.

One great way to keep your skincare routine on track is by joining ClubTox. There are three different membership plans to suit your skin and lifestyle and rejuvenation goals.

  • Youthful Skin Club
  • ClubTox
  • ClubTox Elite

Rejuvenation Is a Work in Progress

A regular skincare regimen doesn’t mean you will never need something more. We all get older, and we can’t control every factor that conspires to negatively affect our skin. Someday, you may well want to take advantage of more advanced rejuvenation options, and our team at RFA is here with personalized advice and recommendations just for you. Meanwhile, following a quality skincare routine is the best way to treat yourself to healthy, happy skin.

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