Denver Facelifts & Neck Lifts
Before + After Photos
Facelifts continue to be one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures, helping both men and women turn back the clock to rejuvenate their appearance. We offer three facelift procedures at Raval Facial Aesthetics; mini-lift, necklift, and SMAS. Each procedure is designed to rejuvenate your appearance in a different way.
How Will My Facelift Look?
If you’re considering a surgical procedure to change your appearance, of course your top question is “how will I look?” One of the best ways to visualize your own potential post-surgery results is to review before and after photos of other people who have undergone a procedure similar to what you’re considering.
This is particularly important in the case of facelifts, because “facelift” can mean a variety of things:
- A mini-lift gives a little boost to your softening jawline.
- A neck lift focuses on removing excess neck skin (and, sometimes, fat).
- And Superficial Muscle Aponeurotic System (SMAS) lift addresses more visible signs of aging in the upper neck and lower face.
Every one of us is unique when it comes to our facial structure, skin, genetics, and all the other factors that determine what we look like and how we age. Those factors also determine how our face responds to a given surgical procedure, so keep in mind that before and after photos have great value but they are not a guarantee your results will be identical to someone else’s.
One thing all these facelift procedures have in common – natural-looking results. In fact, as you’re reviewing our before and after photos, can you tell where the incisions were made? No, you can’t. And neither will other people. If you don’t reveal that you’ve had “a little work done,” no one will be the wiser. They will see that you look a bit younger, certainly more refreshed and vibrant. Must have been that relaxing vacation you took recently!
Some Photos are More Valuable than Others
Looking at any before and after photos that illustrate a particular type of facelift is a great start. But it’s more helpful to look for examples that are closest to you in other ways. Are you a man or woman? How old are you?
Perhaps most important of all? Reviewing photos of patients whose surgery was performed by the surgeon you’re considering. It’s one thing to get a generic idea of what you might expect, but you want to see visual evidence of your prospective surgeon’s skill.
Results Reflect Surgical Skill
Cosmetic surgery requires many years of medical training and experience. But it is also an art. Here at Raval Facial Aesthetics, Dr. Jeffrey Raval’s fundamental philosophy is “less is more.” In other words, finesse matters – especially when the surgery will permanently alter your facial appearance.
The best surgeon for you has undeniable medical credentials and proven experience. That gives you confidence in their skill. But your surgeon cannot do their best work unless you are open and honest about your concerns and desired results. Do you feel comfortable talking with them about these very personal details? The truth is, you want more than a doctor, you want a partner in refreshing your facial appearance.
Do Your Homework
Looking at before and after photos is an essential part of deciding whether or not to have a facelift or neck lift. But it’s not the only deciding factor. Learn as much as you can about each surgical option. What does it entail? How long will it take? How much downtime is involved? What else is there to know about recovery? What does it cost?
The answers to all these questions point you in the right direction. And they help you develop realistic expectations. The ultimate Q&A opportunity is a personal consultation with Dr. Raval, so we encourage you to schedule a session. If you're not quite ready, download our free eBook below to learn more about facelifts.
Get Your Facelift Consult
These popular procedures can work wonders to restore a youthful look for both men and women. ($100 fee)

Download our Comprehensive Guide to Facelifts
The ins and outs of Facelifts - learn all about the intricacies of the procedure in this eBook.