Why Laser Treatments for Skin Tightening?
Laser-based procedures offer so many benefits, it’s hard to know where to start. For one thing, this technology is very versatile. There are multiple types of laser devices which work in different ways to target imperfections and rejuvenate skin. That exceptional versatility enables us to choose the best tool and precisely tailor treatments for each patient. Nonetheless, not all lasers are appropriate for all skin types or colors. We can advise you about that during your personal consultation.
Laser treatments are versatile in another way, too. While your primary goal may be tighter, plumper skin, the right procedure can help you achieve more comprehensive skin rejuvenation by correcting fine lines and wrinkles, redness or brown spots, enlarged pores, and/or reducing the appearance of acne or other scars.
Benefits of Laser Treatment for Skin Tightening
- Convenience. Laser treatments are often called the “lunchtime” procedure, because sessions are performed right in our office. They take anywhere from a few minutes to less than an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. In most cases, there is no downtime required, you can get right back to your day.
- No surgery, no scars. Patients with mild to moderate skin laxity can achieve impressive results well before their skin becomes so saggy or crepey that surgery is the only option to achieve a firmer, smoother appearance.
- Gradual results. Because lasers are non-invasive, they are gentler, so we usually recommend an incremental approach, using multiple treatments to achieve ultimately-desired results.
- Comfort. Laser treatments don’t hurt, though patients sometimes say the treatment feels a little like being snapped with a rubber band.
- Precision. We can target very small or larger areas and also control the depth of sub-surface treatment.
- Post-treatment improvement. Laser treatments not only resurface the skin, they stimulate new production of collagen and elastin. That provides a stronger foundation for new skin cells, for ongoing improvement. But you don’t have to wait to start seeing improvement, because initial treatment results are visible right away.
Rocky Mountain Laser and Aesthetics
Because lasers work in different ways, we offer four types of laser treatments to tighten skin. In consultation with each patient, we are able to pick the one that will be most effective.
Intense-Pulsed Light (IPL)
You may have read or heard about a “photofacial.” That’s IPL. This type of laser device uses short bursts of high-intensity light rather than heat, and it can target multiple skin depths at the same time. A sapphire tip ensures surface skin is safe and comfortable while the light is directed below the skin’s surface. The light triggers production of new collagen, resulting in a smoother, firmer appearance. IPL is not appropriate for certain patients with dark or tanned skin.
Lasers typically treat an entire area, but this technology is different, targeting only a fraction of the skin within the treatment area. As the device is moved across the skin, it creates tiny wounds using micro-beams of energy. This stimulates the skin’s natural healing response throughout the treatment area, not only at the wound sites. Newly produced collagen, elastin and skin cells create a refreshed appearance that is tighter and smoother, with more even texture and tone overall.
Microlaser Peel
When we think of skin peels, we think of often-harsh chemicals that are used for exfoliates. The microlaser peel is a gentler alternative that resurfaces only the top skin layer by removing dead and damaged surface cells. No painful treatment or lengthy recovery period required. Microlaser peel not only helps tighten and smooth skin, it can help reduce dark spots for a more uniform overall appearance.
Triple Peel (IPL + ProFractional + Microlaser Peel)
This option is unique to Rocky Mountain Laser Aesthetics. It combines IPL, ProFractional and Microlaser Peel treatments into a three-step single procedure, giving you three times the benefits. This is a great option for patients who can afford a little downtime.

Boost your Benefits
Laser skin tightening can do wonders for your appearance as a stand-alone treatment. And we already mentioned that these treatments can often produce broader results such as reducing wrinkles and dark spots. But yet another benefit of lasers is that these treatments combine nicely with other skin rejuvenation techniques. Botox and dermal filler injections are a good example. Just as there are multiple reasons for skin laxity, taking a multi-pronged approach to rejuvenation can produce the best, longest-lasting results.
No matter what treatment you choose, you cannot get the best or longest-lasting results unless you choose a provider who is well-trained technically and has the skill to use treatment technology safely as well as effectively. This is particularly true for laser treatments, as the technology can be dangerous if used improperly. At RMLA our Number One priority is patient safety. Dr. Jeffrey Raval and our team of Medical Aestheticians are highly knowledgeable and experienced, ensuring that you can look forward to peace of mind as well as great laser skin tightening results.