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Denver Facial Aesthetics Blog

More than Routine: Advanced Skincare Solutions

11/17/23 | 2 MIN READ

Developing a daily at-home skincare regimen is fundamental to maintaining healthy skin with a youthful glow. It’s just as important for men (perhaps without the “glow”) as for women – anyone who wants to look their best in the mirror, around friends and work colleagues. However, especially as we get older, virtually everyone has something about their skin that bothers them. Something that at-home care can’t address.

At Raval Facial Aesthetics and Rocky Mountain Laser Aesthetics, we offer a full range of advanced options that can take your daily routine to the next level, whether you want skin that looks smoother, firmer and more lifted or you want to minimize or eliminate certain imperfections. Let’s look at some popular examples.

No Surgery Required

Non- or minimally invasive treatments now offer relief for myriad facial skin problems. You might think of these treatments as advanced skincare solutions.

Botox and dermal fillers are a simple, highly effective way to ease into augmenting your daily skincare regimen.

Skin rejuvenation treatments can restore a smooth, more uniform skin surface and stimulate increased natural production of collagen and elastin for ongoing improvement in the quality and texture of your skin. These treatments can also address a wide range of concerns, from lines and wrinkles to pigmentation problems and acne scarring. You can learn more about the different lasers and other technologies we use for skin resurfacing here. We also offer:

  • Chemical Peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  •  HydraFacial MD
  • Chemabrasion

Microneedling (we often recommend adding platelet-rich plasma treatment to microneedling because this can promote faster healing and even better results)

We use specialized technologies to treat conditions such as spider veins and skin laxity in order to produce the best possible results.  

And since we’re talking about advanced skincare here, we know reliably smooth skin is a fundamental goal for virtually all of our patients. That brings us to laser hair removal. This can be strictly aesthetic, but for guys, especially, stubble and razor burn are uncomfortable as well as unsightly.

Likewise, double chin isn’t a skin condition, but a puffy, saggy under-chin can make you look older. If you’re wishing for a sleeker, slimmer neck and jawline, Kybella injections may be the solution.

Surgical Intervention

Dr. Jeff Raval has always followed a philosophy of “less is more,” but as a well-known and highly-respected facial plastic surgeon, he knows that sometimes surgery really is the best solution. As wonderful and effective as technology-based non-surgical treatments can be, they cannot correct advanced skin laxity, for example. So, ultimately, you might need a facelift. Or – increasingly popular these days – a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift).

Other surgical options, such as rhinoplasty, have nothing to do with skincare. But if the overall goal is an improvement in your facial appearance, and improvement to you means a bit of nose reshaping, then surgery could become an important part of your overall facial treatment plan.

Let’s Talk

If you are not sure what type of advanced treatment would make the most sense for you at this time, or if you have your eye on a particular treatment but aren’t sure it’s going to produce the results you want, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jeff Raval. Thanks to his broad expertise and experience, he can honestly discuss all options, surgical and non-surgical, to help you make the right choice. 

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