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Denver Facial Aesthetics Blog

Combining Botox with Dermal Fillers for a Youthful Look

04/22/21 | 2 MIN READ

When someone has decided it’s time to explore aesthetic enhancement procedures, they are most often wishing to address more than one area of their face. Getting professional advice can help to accurately assess areas of concern to determine which surgical or non-surgical treatment will most effectively produce the improvements you want. Very often, patients opt to try Botox or dermal fillers because of the wide range of areas and conditions they can treat. In many cases, combining the two treatments can produce even better results.

Botox & Fillers Together for Balanced Results

The various elements of your face come together to present a single composite look, so it makes sense to take a whole-face approach to rejuvenation. Improving just one area could actually make other parts of your face look older by comparison – not the result you had in mind. But there is more to it than that.

A research study presented at the 2015 American Society of Dermatologic Surgery meeting showed that combining Botox and fillers creates greater overall facial harmony. Patients were treated with filler and Botox for forehead area wrinkling and mid-face rejuvenation. Before receiving treatment, they were asked to rate their overall satisfaction with their facial appearance. Four months after their treatments, patients were asked again how they felt about their facial appearance as well as other variables such as psychological well-being, social confidence, and how old they felt they looked.

The results were impressive. While patients were dissatisfied with their appearance before treatment, they were more satisfied or very satisfied with their appearance afterward. On average, they felt that they looked more than 4 years younger! They even reported improvement in their self-confidence and happiness.

These results make perfect sense to us here at Raval Facial Aesthetics. After all, Botox and fillers work differently and are intended to produce very different – but highly complementary – results. We find our patients are often most pleased with their appearance when they use both.

Botox & Fillers Together for Longer-Lasting Results

Most dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, a substance produced naturally by the body that promotes hydration. Once injected these fillers are slowly absorbed, so results are temporary – typically just a few months.

In areas where there is a good deal of natural movement (lips or eyes), fillers are bound to be absorbed at a quicker rate than somewhere like the cheeks, where there is less movement. By pairing the fillers with Botox, the muscle contracts less, making the filler last longer. Dr. Jeff Raval says he sees this here at Raval Facial Aesthetics. “When I combine Botox (or Dysport, another botulinum neurotoxin) with fillers, mostly around the eyes, I do notice that the fillers seem to last much longer than their FDA indication,” he says. This combination cosmetic treatment may help produce longer-lasting results for patients with forehead wrinkles or wrinkles around the mouth as well as crow’s feet. That said, it is important to remember that since Botox is only effective for dynamic wrinkles and dermal fillers are more appropriate for static and/or deeper wrinkles, there are limited facial areas where the two can be combined.

Combine Botox with Fillers and Look Younger for Longer

The desire to look younger is nothing new and we’re here with many years of experience to help you achieve these (and other) aesthetic goals. When it comes to Botox and dermal fillers, the longest-lasting results are achieved with regular maintenance treatments. This can be a speed bump for some people, but we have options to help. Our ClubTOX memberships are a great way to save money and look younger at the same time. To learn more or schedule a personal consultation give us a call at (303) 381-3223. Not ready to schedule? Continue your research journey by clicking below to download your FREE eBook!

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